Thursday, March 1, 2018

Wet Season

Wet season is well and truly upon us
and with it comes epic skies and beautiful rainbows.
The rainbow to remind us of God's promise and
the thunder and lightning to remind us that His
coming draws closer and we'd better get busy 
telling others the good news of the gospel
before our time is up. 
(at least, that's how I see it)

All in all, it's a reminder
of God's awesomeness,
and I mean that in the true sense of the word. 
def: causing or inducing awe,
inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence,
admiration or fear

Here are a few photos I've taken in 
the last two days.
The rainbow was the brightest,
most vibrant I've seen in
quite a while. 

And, although most of the lightning was
hidden behind a billowing cloud, 
I was able to catch a few glimpses of 
it now and then. 

I don't usually get time to go exploring 
to find better vantage points, so sometimes
as you drive home from church and you see
the lightning break overhead, 
you grab your camera and sit back on your verandah, 
and snap away at the vantage point 
God has blessed you with right then and there! 

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